Workshop on open problems in low complexity dynamics
8-9 Jul 2021 Amiens (France)


This meeting will concern dynamical systems, ergodic theory and relations with discrete mathematics, arithmetics and computer science with a special focus on open problems on low complexity dynamics.

This will be the occasion to present the state of the art of some (still)  open problems. Each  lecture will only last 30 min.  We plan an hybrid conference, i.e. in a conference room and at the same time online via Zoom.

A collection of the presentations of the problemswill be available online and  will be published in Hal/ArXiv. In the future, if  a relevant  progress is done on one  of these problems and after the agreement of the author, the document will be updated to mention the advances.



Important dates

The workshop is from

the 8th  to the 9th of July 2021


Registration is free but mandatory (click on the registration menu at left).

Deadline is the 30th of June 2021



Invited speakers

Maria Isabel CORTEZ (PUC, Chile) 

Settled elements in the group of automorphisms of trees   

abstract    slides   video


Sebastian DONOSO (U. de Chile)

Multiplicative actions and applications

 abstract     slides   video


Sébastien LABBÉ (Univ. de Bordeaux)

Markov partitions for Z^2-actions

abstract     slides   video


Samuel LELIÈVRE (U. Paris-Saclay)

Billiard language of polygons

abstract     video


Julien LEROY (Univ. Liège)

Factor complexity of S-adic shifts

abstract    slides   video


Domique PERRIN (U. Paris-Est) 

Ambiguity in symbolic dynamics

abstract     slides    video


Wolfgang STEINER (U. de Paris) 

Multidimensional continued fractions and S-adic systems

abstract    slides  video


Thierry de la RUE (U. de Rouen)

Some questions around the Pascal-adic transformation

abstract    slides   video


Felipe Arbulú (UPJV) :                                            Rank One Systems


Christopher Cabezas (UPJV)           Homomorphisms between multidimensional constat shape substitution


Fabien Durand (UPJV)                                              Pisot conjecture for subsitution


Bastián Espinoza (UPJV-U. de Chile)                 Computing the Topological Rank of Minimal Subshifts


France Gheeraert (Univ. de Liège)                        S-adic characterization of dendric subshift


Herman Goulet-Ouellet (U. Porto)                           Suffix-Connected Languages


Martin Lustig (Aix-Marseille Univ.)                Questions at the occasion of the Dyadisc4-Conference in Amiens




The conference will take place at the Universities of Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV):

Citadelle, room E001

rue des Français libres,


see the map



In the virtual world, the conference will be avaible online on Zoom. 

The link will appear later.

The password will be send to the registered participants.



Some hotels close to the university are:

Appart City Amiens

Hotel Victor Hugo

Hotel Spatial

Le Saint Louis





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